Department of Medicine

Dr. K. Noko MBChB(UZ) FCP (SA) Specialist Medicine & Consultant

Dr. M. Drau MBChB (UZ) FCP( SA) CMSA MBA(NUST) Specialist Medicine & Consultant

Dr. N. Dzvanga MBChB (UZ) MMED (UZ) PCP (SA) FCP (ECSA) DTMH (UK) Specialist Medicine & Consultan

Dr T. Nyika MBChB (UZ) MMED Medicine (UZ) Specialist Physician & Consultant

Dr F. Nhari M.D (RUS) FCP (ECSA) Specialist Physician & Consultant

The Department of Medicine forms part of United Bulawayo Hospitals complex. It caters for medical services for the whole of Bulawayo and surrounding Matabeleland North and South, Masvingo and Midlands Provinces. It has a staff complement of 5 consultants, 8 House Officers and several Junior Resident Medical Officers.

The Department provides in house training for both doctors and nurses and those interested in specializing in medicine.

Inpatient: There are 2 wards for female and male patients and 1 ward for infectious diseases

The Intensive Care Unit: runs jointly with other departments i.e. Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology etc

Outpatients Clinic: Minor ailments, chronic diseases and follow ups, Mondays to Fridays

Casualty Unit: For emergencies. It is Open 24/7 days

Opportunistic Infection Clinic (OIC): runs five days a week from Monday to Friday with counseling services

The Intensive Care Unit: runs jointly with other departments i.e. Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology etc

The department is supported in its efforts by a well-equipped X-Ray Unit, Laboratory facility, well stocked pharmacy and competent physiotherapists
The department is supported in its efforts by a well-equipped X-Ray Unit, Laboratory facility, well stocked pharmacy and competent